
2010年6月5日 星期六

[6421:Windows Server 2008網路基礎架構組態與疑難排除]Module2-Lesson1 : Installing the DNS Server Role

2-4。Overview of the Domain Name System Role
Domain Name System is a hierarchical distributed database
  • DNS is the foundation of Internet naming scheme
  • DNS supports accessing resources by using alphanumeric names
  • InterNIC is responsible for managing the domain namespace
  • DNS was created to support the Internet’s growing

2-5。Overview the DNS Namespace
2-5 Overview of the DNS Namespace

2-6。DNS Imporvements for Windows Server 2008
New or enhanced feature in the Windows Server 2008 version of DNS include:
  • Background zone loading
  • IP version 6 support
  • Support for read-only domain controllers
  • Global single names

2-8。Considerations for Deploying the DNS Server Role
  • The user account must be a member of the local administrator group or equivalent
  • Manually configuring the server to use a static IP address is recommended
  • Manually editing the server and boot files is not recommended
  • Use the DNS console or dnscmd
  • Active Directory-integrated DNS zone cannot be administered using a text editor

  • DNS:Domain Name System:

    • 用途:解析1個主機或服務(等)在哪裡的資訊
    • 實際上,它是一種"特定用途"的階層分散式網路資料庫系統(採Client/Server 架構)
  • Internet DNS Namespace:

    • 將Internet的主機,服務等,命名後,由這些名字邏輯組織而成的結構
    • 階層式,只管自己直接的下層,最上層為root(。)
  • DNS Domain:

    • 在DNS Namespace中,1個可含有下層的節點=>一群共用相同尾碼的集合
  • FQDN(Fully Quailed Domain Name):

    • 在DNS Namespace中,1個節點的完整名稱(規則:由下往上每層加"."隔開)
  • ZONE:

    • 因分散管理或分散儲存的需求,將Namespace切割的連續區域
    • 不同的zone可以委派不同的人管理
    • 不同的zone必有獨立的資料儲存區(不同的檔或AD終不同的容器)
  • 下圖為總整理: 
2-5 MyNote
程式開發走Socket API=>要靠DNS解析
  • Virtual PC連網路方法:
    • 1.連接到實體電腦(HOST:注意電腦名曾不得重複)
    • 2.接到虛擬ID分享器(NAT:IP要自動取得)
    • 3.新增Microsoft Lookup Adapter :
      • 1.Start=>Control Panel=>Add Hardware=>Next=>Yes,xxxx=>Add a new Hardware Device=>Next=>Network Adapter=>Microsoft=>Lookup Adapter
      • 2.安裝好後,設定IP Address跟subnet mask:
        • a.關閉Firewall=>net firewall set opmode disable
        • b.停止服務=>sc stop sharedaccess
        • c.關閉服務=>sc config sharedaccess start= disabled
      • 3.啟動Routing and Remote Access:
        • a.Start=>run=>rrasmamt.msc
        • b.對SVRX=>右鍵Configure and Enable xxx=>選最底下=>Next=>選最底下=>Finish
      • 4.安裝好後,IP Routing底下=>General=>右鍵New Routing portcal=>NAT/Base Firewall=>Next=>會多一個NAT/Basic Firewall=>右鍵New Interface=>選擇網路連線=>選Host的連線,點對外=>Next=右鍵New Interface=>選擇網路連線=>選Lookup Adapter的網路連線,點對內
      • 5.在Virtual PC裡,網路卡改為Microsoft Lookup Adapter
        • 在SVRXX裡,Command Prompt windows底下:
        • nslookup=>server nyc-svrxx(用自己的dns server)=>查對外網路是否接的出去)

