
2010年6月6日 星期日

[6421:Windows Server 2008網路基礎架構組態與疑難排除] Module2-Lesson2 : Configuring the DNS Role

2-10。What Are the Components of a DNS Solution?
2-10 What Are the Components of a DNS Solution

2-11。DNS Resource Records
DNS resuirce records include:
  • SOA:Start of Authority(1Zone一定只有1筆)
  • A:Host Record(為IPV4的IP命名)
  • CNAME:Alias Record(已被命名後,可取別名)
  • MX:Mail Exchange Record(若有架Mail Server則要記錄)
  • SRV:Service Resource(註冊位置識別AD)
  • NS:Name Servers(1~N筆作為備援用)
  • AAAA:IPv6 DNS Record(為IPV6的IP命名)

2-12。What Are Root Hints
Root Hints contain the IP address for DNS root servers
2-12 What Are Root Hints

2-13。What Is a DNS Query?
A query is a request for name resolution and is directed to a DNS Server
  • Queries are recursive or iterative
  • DNS Client and DNS servers both initiate queries
  • DNS servers are authoritative or nonauthoritative for a namespace
  • An authoritative DNS server for the namespace will either:

    • Return the requested IP address
    • Return an authoritative “NO”
  • A nonauthoritative DNS server for the namespace will either:

    • Check its cache
    • Use forwarders
    • Use root hints

  • What Is a DNS Query?
  • 2-13 What Is a DNS Query

2-14。What Are Recursive Queries?
A recursive query is sent to a DNS server and requires a complete answer
2-14 What Are Recursive Queries

2-15。What Are Iterative Queries ?
A iterative query directed to a DNS server may be answered with a referral to another DNS Server
2-15 What Are Iterative Queries

2-16。What Is a Forwarder?
A forwarder is a DNS server designated to resolve external or offsite DNS domain names
2-16 What Is a Forwarder

2-17。What Is a Conditional Forwarding?
Conditional forwarding forwards requests using a domain name condition
2-17 What Is a Conditional Forwarding

  • Conditional Forwarding?

    • 依據要查詢名稱的尾碼,優先交給設定的DNS Server查
  • Forwarder避免犯的錯誤:

    • 2-17 What Is a Conditional Forwarding mynote
  • command prompt windows 底下:

    • ipconfig /displaydns(顯示DNS IP)
    • ipconfig /flushdns(清除DNS快取)

