2016年9月29日 星期四
[OpenVPN]解決 TCP/UDP: Incoming packet rejected from XXX([OpenVPN] Resolved TCP / UDP: Incoming packet rejected from XXX)
TCP/UDP: Incoming packet rejected from, expected peer address: (allow this incoming source address/port by removing --remote or adding --float)
Allow remote peer to change its IP address and/or port number, such as due to DHCP (this is the default if --remote is not used). --float when specified with --remote allows an OpenVPN session to initially connect to a peer at a known address, however if packets arrive from a new address and pass all authentication tests, the new address will take control of the session. This is useful when you are connecting to a peer which holds a dynamic address such as a dial-in user or DHCP client.
Essentially, --float tells OpenVPN to accept authenticated packets from any address, not only the address which was specified in the --remote option.
張貼留言 (Atom)
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